LIVING LAB: 10 years of Valdichiana Senese as touristic destination
Co-projecting meetings for touristic promotion in Valdichiana Senese
Ten meetings starting from the 26th February will be held in each municipality of the Valdichiana Senese in order to discuss development and collaboration opportunities in the field of local tourism. Every operator of the touristic productivity-chain as well as the local community are welcomed to participate. The 10 meetings will be organized by the Strada of the Vino Nobile di Montepulciano e dei Sapori della Valdichiana Senese together with the nine Municipalities of the Valdichiana Senese. From the local community to the touristic providers, these encounters represent a unique opportunity to actively contribute to the future of Valdichiana Senese tourism. The living labs are meant to discuss the hottest topics of the Valdichiana Senese as touristic destination, with a special focus on innovation, sustainability and development.
To whom are the meetings addressed?
The co-projecting meetings are open to anyone willing to have a role in the definition of the future of tourism in the Valdichiana. The following categories are warmly invited to participate: accommodations, restaurants and other administration activities, touristic info-points employees, associations, every subject affected by (or interested in) tourism.
Why it is important to participate?
These living labs are an unmissable occasion for those who want to contribute to the realization of a common strategy for the future of the Valdichiana Senese. The debate will be a moment of collective reflection, meant to discuss about the activities of the last decade. The participants will have the possibility to expose their personal point of view, bringing experiences, criticalities and concrete proposal in order to develop a unique strategy to make the Valdichiana Senese even more attractive and sustainable.
The program
Each meeting will be structured to maximize the discussion and the active participation. The program involves a brief introduction and presentation of the activities, a guided debate in which every participant will have the opportunity to share experiences and ideas, a final discussion to define the guidelines for a strategic plan for the future of the local tourism.
If you believe, like we do, in the power of active participation and you wish to contribute to the success of our destination you’re very welcome to join us!
The meetings’ calendar
Here are the first five scheduled appointments; the other ones will be revealed soon:
- Wednesday 26th February (3 p.m.) Chianciano Terme – Sala Fellini, Acquasanta Park
- Thursday 27th February (3 p.m.) Chiusi – Town Hall, Piazza XX Settembre
- Thursday 6th March (4 p.m.) Montepulciano – 1° Floor Room of Palazzo del Capitano, Piazza Grande, n.7
- Wednesday 12th March (3 p.m.) Sarteano – Sala Mostre, Piazza Bargagli
- Thursday 13th March (3 p.m.) Cetona – SS. Annunziata Room, Piazza Garibaldi