Canoe tour amongst Lake Chiusi waters

Canoe tour amongst Lake Chiusi waters

Tour in canoa al Lago di Chiusi

Excursion in Lake Chiusi waters by canoe and tasting of typical products

Lake Chiusi is a place far from the fast pace of cities and fast tourism. Here even those who stop here for a few hours can appreciate (or rediscover) quietness by getting in touch with nature. It is a real natural oasis 5km away from Chiusi, an ancient capital of Etruscans. Lake Chiusi over time has become a place of interest for bird watching, fishing and sports enthusiasts. The waters as well as the surrounding park offer open spaces for various activities, to be carried out individually or in groups. The canoe tour is certainly one of the great experiences to enjoy here, admiring the flora and fauna of Lake Chiusi as well as the beautiful surrounding landscape from a privileged and peculiar position.

The best way to appreciate the whole Lake Chiusi.

The tour will start right from Lake Chiusi where you will meet the volunteers of the historic association of local rowers, who will take care of preparing the canoe and giving you all the information about the lake and the itinerary that you can take as well as providing you with assistance if needed. Once in the waters you will understand the true beauty of this place. The canoe, in fact, allows you to fully explore the lake, passing through the most beautiful points of interest: the reeds where birds nest, including rare species of herons, the spontaneous lake vegetation, all in the wonderful setting of the Tuscan hills that embrace the lake. It could be the perfect moment to take unique photos. Once the canoe has been returned, a delicious snack awaits you in the picnic area of ​​the lake based on typical local products, meats, cheeses and Tuscan wine, an area where you can rest in peace as long as you want.

If you prefer an even slower experience to canoeing, you can choose the Yoga Class at Lake Chiusi.

  • Starting time: 10.30 am
  • Duration: about 3 hours
  • Meeting point: Lake Chiusi
  • Price per person: 69,00€
Tour includes
  • Meeting at the lake, short lesson on canoeing and on the Lake Chiusi, history of the lake
  • Excursion on canoe, assisted by a motorboat
  • Tasting of typical product on the lake shore


  • Please wear comfortable clothes
  • Experience available from April to November


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