Tour of the Etruscan wonders

Tour of the Etruscan wonders

31 Tour meraviglie etrusche Copia 1

From the Archaeological Museum in Chianciano Terme, up to the Tomba della Quadriga Infernale in Sarteano: a journey through the Etruscans

A journey through the history of the Etruscans, the people who inhabited Tuscany and central Italy from the 7th century B.C. onwards. This journey will take you through the capital cities of this ancient civilization– Chianciano, Chiusi and Sarteano, surprising you at every stage.

A journey through the Etruscans

You will observe ancient finds related to the daily life of the Etruscan civilization in the Archaeological Museum of Chianciano, which houses the largest collection in the world of Etruscan Canopic jars. You will visit the Archaeological Civic Museum of Sarteano, which displays the treasures found in the nearby necropolis, and a perfect scale-of-1.1 reconstruction of the Tomba della Quadriga Infernale [Tomb of the Infernal Chariot]. You will explore 120 m of underground galleries at the Underground City of Chiusi, where is the largest section about funerary epigraphy in Italy.


  • Visit to the Civic Museum of Chianciano Terme;
  • Visit to the Archaeological Museum in Sarteano
  • Visit to the Underground City in Chiusi;
  • Transfer service from/to meeting point

Duration: about 4 hours
Departure time: 10 am
Departure location:
Valdichiana Living, Piazza Grande n. 7, Montepulciano
Price per person: 199,00 € (minimum 4 participants)


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