Walking tour on the Vinsanto Trail

Walking tour on the Vinsanto Trail


Walking tour and tasting on the Vinsanto Trail in Montefollonico

A walking tour which will take you on the Vinsanto Trail, the ancient path that once connected the castles of Torrita di Siena and Montefollonico during Middle Ages. A guide will accompany you along the panoramic trail, telling you about the adventurous events of Ghino di Tacco, the “Gentleman Bandit” mentioned by Dante, who was born in Valdichiana.

The Montefollonico’s Vinsanto

Come and learn the tradition of Vinsanto, a precious liqueur wine symbol of Tuscan hospitality, and visit the ruins of an ancient convent whose origins date back to 1170. You will end the tour with a tasting of excellent Vinsanto or craft beer. Return by taxi.


  • Walking tour of about 7 kms. with a guide;
  • Tasting of typical products;
  • Transportation service.

Duration: 3 hours
Departure time:
10:00 am or 3:00 pm
Departure location: Piazza Matteotti, Torrita di Siena
Price per person: 129,00 € (minimum 4 participants)


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