Awareness, regeneration and protection of the local communities are the key concepts that must lead the touristic development of the minor destinations in the next future: that’s the message of the Best Tourism Village project by UNWTO, meant to enhance the little centers where tourism is the engine for development and wellness.
The UN agency for tourism chose to reward San Casciano dei Bagni, in Valdichiana Senese, the only Italian destination between the different lands of the 2024 edition.
The candidacy document that allowed San Casciano dei Bagni to be awarded, was cured by the Strada del Vino Nobile di Montepulciano e dei Sapori della Valdichiana Senese, the responsible authority for touristic promotion of this area of the province of Siena. In this territory, tourism and territorial development are deeply connected, as demonstrated by the desire to construct a comprehensive destination project through a teamwork whose active element is the Strada. It’s not the first time that this destination receives such an international award thanks to a candidacy document cured by the DMO. In 2019, the entire Valdichiana Senese joined the European Destinations of Excellence Network, prize rewarded by the European Commission.
In the project built drew up for the UNWTO, the discovery of the Santuario Ritrovato was certainly the main point. In fact, due to the importance of the archeological findings, San Casciano dei Bagni has become known worldwide. Here Etruscan and Romans met each other, united by the common fascination for the therapeutic properties of this place which is a real intersection between Tuscany, Umbria and Lazio. As many centuries ago, here the thermal waters still flow and the landscape, crossed by well-traced trails, it’s well preserved. But it’s also the human heritage to make San Casciano a place to visit; the little local community is particularly alive, as demonstrated by the wide events’ offer and the many touristic accommodations available on site.
In the candidacy document, as required by UNWTO, a wide space is dedicated to the issues that this place presents, such as the depopulation and the following marginalization. The aware and regenerative touristic development that the members of the Best Tourism Villages network possess, is undoubtedly essential to safeguard the thousand-year-old patrimony of San Casciano dei Bagni.
We hope that this occasion of touristic promotion can be the motivation to visit San Casciano dei Bagni and the entire Valdichiana Senese.