Hotel Panoramic

hotel panoramic
15 Apr

Hotel Panoramic


Via di Villa Bianca, 8
Montepulciano (SI)
Tel:(+39) 0578 798394

The Hotel “Panoramic” is a small and elegant hotel in Montepulciano, immersed into the green of the Tuscan countryside, on the top of a hill overlooking the town. The estate has a large park with panoramic views, a swimming pool with Jacuzzi, sun beds and parasols, a solarium, 24-hour room service, a tennis court, table tennis, free parking, and free internet (such facility is also available in the swimming pool area). At the reception you will find a qualified and multilingual staff, ready to satisfy any request to make your stay in Montepulciano more pleasant. Upon request, we organize transfer to and from Montepulciano. Pets allowed.

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