La Corte Medicea

cantine medicee
22 Apr

La Corte Medicea

Viale I Maggio, 2/4
Montepulciano (SI)
Tel: (+39) 0578 756042

The restaurant “La Corte Medicea” is a historical local, located adjacent to the majestic Renaissance walls of Montepulciano; today, it is also a cellar for the aging of Vino Nobile di Montepulciano. Inside, you can make free tastings of typical products, sandwiches, and appetizers with wine by the glass; the tastings are also customizable at the table, for small and large groups. The restaurant of the farm offers Tuscan cuisine with dishes typical of Montepulciano. The direct sales point is open all year round, all day long.

Services: shipping throughout the world, car-delivery of the goods purchased, ample parking, bus stop for groups, garden, cooking classes.

Open every day.


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