Osteria del Conte

Osteria del Conte
22 Apr

Osteria del Conte

Via di San Donato, 19
Montepulciano (SI)
Tel: (+39) 0578 756062


This restaurant, located a very few steps from Piazza Grande, offers high-quality culinary choices, which are given an added value both by the magical winter atmosphere, with soft lighting of the room, and by the sparkling and dynamic atmosphere of the summer, with views stretching over the heart of the historical center of Montepulciano. The dishes are characterized by a meticulous choice of strictly local raw materials, optimising their seasonality. The choice includes truffles from the lower area of Montepulciano; mushrooms from the surrounding woods; handmade pecorino cheeses, made with the milk of the sheeps in the surrounding area; the delicacy of desserts, seasonal as well. All is combined with a fine selection of wines, almost exclusively from Tuscany, among which stands Nobile di Montepulciano.

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