Terme di Montepulciano
Terme di Montepulciano
Via delle Terme, 46
Sant’Albino di Montepulciano (SI)
Tel: (+39) 0578 7911
Montepulciano is located within an area, that of CreteSenesi-Monte Amiata-Val d’Orcia, which has always had agreat thermal vocation: in fact, at a very short distance from Montepulciano, you will find at least four other important spas, i.e.Chianciano, Rapolano, BagnoVignoni and Bagni di San Filippo. The first written evidence related to the thermal waters of Montepulciano dates back to 1571 and has been mentionedover the centuries by the most distinguished Italian scholars in the field of thermalism, such as Leonardo da Capua and Giovanni TargioniTozzetti. Nevertheless, the spa that uses the Sant’Albino source was built only in 1966, following the excavation of the well, which allowed capturing the waters at a depth of 132 meters, in order to preserve the precious minerals dissolved in the water (which ensure its healing properties) from contact with the air. Particularly renowned for hearing care (rhinogenicdeafness), these mineral waters are also used for treating respiratory, muscular, gynecological, arthritic, rheumatic and vascular disorders and diseases. It is also used for relaxation and beauty treatments. The water coming from Sant’Albino di Montepulciano, in fact, contains sulfur, which acts effectively on the skin, treating dermatological problems, and making it smooth; bromine, which relaxes muscle tension and strengthens the mental and physical relaxation; and iodine, which produces a tonic effect and reactivates the motility and the body’s energy.