From the Etrusca

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Valdichiana Living is a way to experience the wonderful southern area of Tuscany: the Valdichiana Senese.
It means embarking on a trip to the discovery of a destination, planning each stage of the route, starting from the lodging.
It means exploring the Valdichiana Senese and its historical, natural, food-and-wine, thermal, folkloristic and artistic heritage.
It is a team of people working in close synergy with local companies and accommodation facilities, in order to welcome the guests and guide them into a travel experience customised for each single traveller.
Valdichiana Living is a project born within the Strada del Vino Nobile di Montepulciano e dei Sapori della Valdichiana Senese, the association set up to enhance and promote the beauty and the variety of the Valdichiana Senese territory since 1998.
On the web site www.valdichianaliving.it you will find:
Check out our fresh proposals, and book your ideal accommodation with us.
Experience the Valdichiana Senese with a tour; choose from more than 50 activities and purchase your experience online.
Stay up-to-date about current and upcoming events.
Check out all the necessary information on our website to fully explore the Valdichiana Senese.
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