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16 Dec

Valdichiana Senese and Wine & Food Tourism: a growing partnership according to the 2024 report

Tuscany remains the preferred destination for Italian wine and food tourism, as the most desired location for trips centered around food, wine, and local traditions. The 2024 Italian Wine and Food Tourism Report , presented today in Parma, highlights the continued growth of this trend, with the region chosen by 33.9% of respondents for future wine and food tourism trips.

The report, curated by Roberta Garibaldi, professor at the University of Bergamo and president of the Italian Association for Wine and Food Tourism, provides a comprehensive overview of the sector, offering an in-depth analysis that continues to expand despite a slight decrease in overall tourism in the post-Covid period. Tuscan cuisine remains the most widespread in Italy, present in 17.3% of restaurants on the TheFork platform, a figure that highlights the central role of regional gastronomy in the national food scene.

This edition of the report not only examines the evolution of wine and food tourism but also offers strategic insights to maximize its potential. Among the recommendations, it calls for broad interventions in regulations, infrastructure investments, and specialized training to make the sector even more competitive.

In this context, Valdichiana Living, the DMO and official tour operator of the Valdichiana Senese, reaffirms its commitment to supporting the project. The Valdichiana Senese, renowned for its gastronomic and scenic excellence, aims to enhance wine and food tourism as a driver of growth and the preservation of local heritage.

With the support of Valdichiana Living, the Valdichiana Senese continues to establish itself as one of the most appreciated tourist destinations, promoting an offering that blends authentic experiences with a strong focus on sustainability.

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