Valdichiana Senese at the Milano BIT 2025 with an entirely renovated destination portal
The Valdichiana Senese, in the South of Tuscany, brushes against the 900 thousands touristic presences in the first 8 months of the 2024, with a significant prevalence of international tourism (source: Comune di Siena). A confirmation of the attractivity of this rural destination, which for 10 years has chosen to propose itself over the market with the official tour operator Valdichiana Living.
Certified flavors, high-quality craftsmanship, thermal waters and a rich outdoor proposal: many are the splendours to create experiencial touristic proposals in line with the trends of the year.
Apart from daily tours (either activies or experiences that last for a day), Valdichiana Living renews its personal offer by enhancing travels, that is to say packages that comprehend overnight stays in Valdichiana Senese. Speaking of which, we recommend the new section “Fixed-date group trips”. This section already includes two group retreats scheduled for May and dedicated to yoga and mindfulness.
The new proposal it’s already available on the website valdichianaliving.en. The main news involve an intelligent filtering system, accessible through the button “Inspire me”. This new profiling modality allows the user to select either a tour or a travel that best fits their interest by answering to easy questions based on targets, preferences and other necessities.
<< Apart from the improvement of the website usability for the final client – states Bruna Caira, technical director of Valdichiana Living – this new version of valdichianaliving.en is meant to enhance the B2B segment of our business, improving the relationship with national and international colleagues. An easy subscription to the operator area, will allow not only to surf the website visualizing special rates for agencies and tour operators, but also to directly purchase the offers>>.
The first occasion to meet the operators in 2025 will be the Milano Bit; Valdichiana Living will be there inside the stand of Tuscany Region (pavillion 11P / M23 M41 P24 P42), desk n°1. <<The Milano Bit confirms itself to be an important show off to present the touristic offer of the Valdichiana Senese – claims Michele Angiolini, Mayor of the Montepulciano, first in line municipality of the Touristic field Valdichiana Senese – a territory which aims to an increasingly sustainable and aware tourism, giving value to our excellences and fostering authentic experiences for visitors>>.
During the trade show, wide space will be given not only to the news of the website, but also to the aware and revitalizing focus of Valdichiana Living, as organically presented in the new “Vision” section of the webiste.